Sunday, June 12, 2016

5/19/16 Carmen is A PIRATE!!

So everyone, This week was super good! First off I just want to talk about one of our Less Actives, Her name is Carmen... Now Carmen is a really interesting/diffucult case, because she got baptized a few years ago, because the missionaries told her to, and she knows the Church is good, she's just trying to figure out how it feels, and we have had a lot of really good lessons with her but this weeks lesson was really interesting, so we teach her at a McDonalds, because its a rule with teaching Females cuz we are the only pair of missionaries in the area, so we teach girls as well. Anyways!! So, The girls here are all super interesting, but Carmen is pretty normal, she normally has Brown hair, and you know looks like a regular person. SO anyways! We are just sitting there. And some body comes and sits next to me... And she has Green hair, and an eye patch, from what i can see... And I freak out, I just think its this crazy woman, I get really scared and I like stand up, and then i see its carmen... And then its awkward... But anyways so Green hair, she said it was for some model thing, it was free, so she was like "I'll try it" and then the eye patch, she got some surgery done on her eye like an hour before our lesson, and she was so ashamed haha, but she is super cool, so we all laughed about it, and then It ended up being a really good lesson.

Cool! So does everyone remember Bill? The Recent Convert? super good, so his mom isn't member, but she speaks Mandarin, and do you know who doesn't speak mandarin?? Me... But hey you know who does?? THE MANDARIN MISSIONARIES!! haha so Bills mom is super in love with the church, super excited about it. But I mean yeah so what happened is that we are switching off weeks with the mandarins until Bill's After Baptismal lessons, but anyways this last week was her first lesson, and she is amazing!! They committed her to read the book of Mormon Every day, and she was just like "Alright, every day we will read, and if you don't read, you can't eat breakfast" So I'm talking about that Investigator missionary work baby! Haha so fun!

So last week remember Sister Chan Gave us a referral? So yeah Ng Sin Fung (A-Fung) is her name, super fun super cool! Older, Single has a kid, not sure about all those details, but she is super ready!! But I want to talk about Sister Chan! Sister Chan is so so cute! So we went to her house for food and a lesson with A- Fung and we were talking, and on her wall, she has 3 HUGE PICTURES of the first presidency, like they take most of her wall. And she asked us, "ELDERS! Who is your favorite??" a really hard Question, and I told her I liked Elder Uchtdorf, and she was like "OH MY GOSH ME TOO" And she was just like "If I had a chance to shake one of their hands I would faint! I would go crazy (Ngoh gokdak Ngoh wuih Faat Din din dou Wahn Dai) haha super funny It reminded me of like fan girl, for the The apostles hahaha she is so powerful! She was like "MAYBE IF I KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS I WILL HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO MEET THEM! I KNOW IT!" Haha but I was amazed at her testimony!

Anyways super fun week, super good studies, I started the Book of Mormon over a few weeks  ago, and now I'm in 2 Nephi, I actually came across some really cool scriptures that I want to share, 2 Nephi 4: 19-21 "And when I desire to rejoice, my heart groaneth because of my sins; Nevertheless, I know whom I have trusted. My God hath been my support; He hath led me through mine affliction in the wilderness; and he hath preserved me upon the waters of the great deep. He hath filled me with his love, even unto the consuming of my flesh" I don't know, something about these verses got me really excited, About God, about how he is you know? Its really hard to describe. I love these scriptures because its so obvious, and its the straightest way to say these things. As we trust in God, and in the Atonement of Jesus Christ, even though we struggle so much, we can not fail, because as long as we fully trust in him, we can't fail. I have been reading in the Addiction Recovery Pamphlet recently and it is cool, I started over, and the first step is "Honesty" and inside Honesty there are two key factors 1. Over Coming Pride, and 2. Hope.  When we get over our pride and admit that we need help, we leave space for hope to come in. And That hope is in our Savior Jesus Christ.  If you can't trust, then have hope! if not hope than faith. Like Elder Holland Says, start with the ground that you have already won! if you start with your doubts in hoping to know the truth, thats like trying to stuff a turkey through its beak. 

Anyways! Love you guys!!

Elder Chen 

1. Zone Conference! Our group!! SO old
2. Carmen...... Yes... The best!!!

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