Sunday, June 12, 2016

1/10/16 Wait, Is Elder Chen Korean?

Once again a beautiful week in the area of Macau, Wake up, and smell the sweet streets of Macau, Every morning and its the best thing in the world :) Macau is straight up the coolest, every day is just full of miracles and I stand all amazed at everything, cuz it truly is amazing, this work, is just blowing up here, I honestly can't beleive how fast the Lord is hastening our work. We had our zone training this week and it was super good, haha its cool to see how the Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders work together to just blow the zone away with spirituality and motivation #Power. Haha anyways this month, we have a goal for each companionship to have 2 baptisms, and I am pretty sure that we can do it too! That means 14 baptisms from our whole zone! haha! I am so excited and I am looking forward with faith!
Anyways! This week was so so so good! haha, we had a lot of miricles happening, a few weeks ago, we got a member referral for a guy who is in the Hospital right now, I am not sure how the Member got to know him, but he lives in Sha Tin (In Hong Kong,) but he had a stroke and is now staying in a hospital in Macau, so we get to teach him, the funny thing is, Elder Lui's home ward is Sha Tin, and they found out that they live super super close to each other haha kind of funny. Anyways Broather Chan (The Referral) was super powerful haha, he didn't have a lot of religious background and because he had a "Near Death" Experience, he was really open to listening to our message, and since he is stuck in the hospital we have been able to see him 2-3 times a week, pretty powerful, last time we saw him we talked about Joseph smith, and shared the first vision, and talked to him about it, at the end of the lesson we gave him a baptismal date, and invited him to pray about Joseph Smith. When He said the closing prayer, it was seriously the most powerful prayer I have ever heard an investigator say ever.
Now, MY WEEKLY Paragraph on the best human in the world.... A-HOUH! hahaa he is straight up so cool, haha this week we were able to see him a ton, his baptismal date is coming up here in a few week so we have been really pushing with him. He has a solid testimony of the church, but his mom will not let him be baptized until he is 18, so we have been trying to work with his mom and it is coming really well. We decided that we were going to help A-Houh write a letter bearing his testimony to his mom, and all that good stuff, anyways, the time we did that we were really able to talk about his testimony, and it was serisously so powerful, we asked him what he wanted to write and he didn't know, and so we told him to write his testimony, so we had him say out what he wanted to write. When he did, it was a beautiful testimony, it kind of reminded my of the beauty of a basic testimony, how simple the Gospel is, and how it can change lives. A-houh is super good, and I was able to hear him bear his testimony. It was amazing. Haha but not only is he progressing in the Gospel, he is also progressing in DANCE as well hahahaha, he is hilarious, i taught him how to wave with his arms, its kind of hard cuz there is no music but he is a quick learner, last time (Thursday) I taught him the whip. So good (Is that still a thing in the real world??) haha but he is super good.
Anyways, Everything in this work is so beautiful, from the finding, to the referrals, to the activities. The ward correlator here is so bomb, he puts together activities every week his name is A-Kit, and I realize that I should have wrote about him earlier, but he is sper good! Haha we put together a weekly game night for investigators and members and Less actives and so many people come out every time, they love the game Werewolf haha its super hard to play in Chinese... Bluffing in chinese is hard hahaha :P But anyways, the members are so powerful and I love them to peices, haha. anyways, sorry for the super random emails as of late, I like get to the computer lab and just start typing so you guys get some pretty bad emails from me... Sorry about it hahahaha.
I have been thinking a lot about time this past week, haha. I don't know, the Mission has gone so fast already, by the end of this transfer I'll have been done with 1/4 of my mission and that is crazy to me... It feels like yesterday that I went into the MTC.  Anyways, i was thinking about that, and how my attitude my whole life about time has been just waiting for the next big thing to happen.  When I was in middle school, I waited for high school, and when I was in high school I wated for gradutation, and my mission. While I have been here, I have learned to enjoy my time while I have it, because it is slipping away so fast.  I have been able to learn a valuable lesson. when times are hard, when I have found for 8 hours and had no success, I think I just kept looking at my watch, waiting to go home, and time took so long, and I didn't enjoy it. Elder Lui has taught me a good lesson about how everything is "Houh wan" (Super Fun), I have been able to adopt that way of thinking, When we go out finding, I leave my watch at the apartment, so I am not concentrating on the hands of my watch, I can concentrate on the people. I love this work and Everything is amazing! Count your blessings. I love you all, and I miss you all!
God Bless,
Elder Jon Jon Chen
Picture 1: A-Houh, look at that whip form, absolutely gorgeous. And Elder Gillis' Suit, tie, and shoes #WhenIGrowUp,IWantToBeElderGillis
Picture 2: A-Houh, Look at that beautiful boy, haha straight up the coolest human in the whole wide world haha Idk what that cow box was doing at the Chappel, but it was a good time :) ahhahaha

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