Sunday, June 12, 2016

4/3/16 So Fast... 4ish day week...

So, hey hey hey!! Long time no type... haha its been a good 4 days :)

So First things first!! This morning I had revelation of a thousand moons!! Like this is the best revelation that I have ever had in like ever.... Just made my life super happy. So I don't know but we got talking about dinosaurs... And Elder Powell said... "Well, you know how all things are resurrected, in heaven there are going the PERFECT DINOSAURS!" hahaha cool stuff :) DINOSAURS!! AND LOTS OF PANDAS!!! They are the coolest!!! 

Anyways then, this week well this Thursday, this last one, we had a Giant Tim Tam Slam, cuz the deal with the word game, is that if you had the most "Tics" you would buy a bag of tim tams when we went shopping!! And we had just a giant mountain of Tim tams by the end, haha super super super super fun and gross! I had so many tim tams... Kind of hurt my body. Yeah, anyways so yeah that was the celebration of the finishing of the game! :) felt sick for the night, and woke up and just loved life :) TIM TAMS FOR DAYZ!! 

Also this week was april fools, not really a chinese holiday, but whatever, Elder Powell put Elder Walkers milk in the freezer over night, and then put it back in the fridge while Elder Walker was showering... Pretty funny... Thats about as crazy as it got, hahaha um it was funnier when it actually happened... I am so sorry. Um yup its like a pretty good time over here. haha. 

Anyways! We saw , well we met with an investigator, his name is Yuen HD (Brother Yuen) super cool guy, a little bit sick in the mind, but his family is super super cool, the Daughter, Yandi, is super cool and we had english class this week, and right before we saw the daughter, just walking on the street, and we invited her to the English class and she was just like "Yeah, I'll go" and after she was like "I like this, I think I will come every week" So we are slowly getting her in and she is super cool!

So this week, in preparation for the time that the Missionaries get to watch general Conference (A week after Y'all do) I have been reviewing this last conference, and it was perfect because I was reading in Priesthood session Super cool, in President Eyring's talk called "You are Not Alone in The Work" and its super cool, I particularly liked a quote "When you won't have the remarkable and visible success... That is when you will need to be confident that the Lord, knowing you would do your part in the work, called you through his authorized servants" I love his Quote, and I have been trying to learn from it more, but its been really good for me this week and as of late, but I am happy. Thank you Everyone! 

Elder Chen

Picture 1: Slamming!
Picture 2: Also, if you remember Peter from Chai Wan, i just got a picture of him thanks to Elder Gillis! Love you guys

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